Liturgical Roles at the First Eucharist Celebration
- Each child is invited to one ministry at the mass - not required, but encouraged
- All liturgical ministries are rehearsed at a scheduled time with one of the team
- Children will come forward for their ministry but will sit with their family
Lectors - We invite any children who are comfortable reading loudly, clearly and confidently and who will spend time with their parents preparing and understanding the reading to request to assist as a Lector - reader of a line or two of the scripture reading. Rehearsal will take place with one of the team members at a time separate from the Mass.
Readers of the Prayer of the Faithful - We invite any children who are comfortable reading loudly, clearly and confidently and who will spend time with their parents preparing to request to assist as a reader of one of the Petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful. Rehearsal will take place with one of the team members at a time separate from the Mass.
Bringing up the Gifts - We will have children bringing up the bread and wine at First Eucharist during the preparation of the altar - they will rehearse immediately before your assigned First Eucharist Mass.
NOTE: If your family would like to bring up the gifts at any masses throughout the year, please see one of the ushers before the Mass. All Are Welcome!