Luke 1: 26-38
The Annunciation scene depicts the encounter of Mary, a young, poor Jewish girl with the angel Gabriel, the messenger of God. Mary receives the startling, disturbing news that she will bear a son (though she has yet to live with Joseph, her bethrothed). She ponders the message in her heart, learns that her cousin Elizabeth is also with child, and responds as a servant of the Lord with her "fiat," her yes: “May it be done to me according to your word.” With these words, Mary, in all humility and grace, accepts her unparalleled mission and the course of history is forever changed. God will take on our human flesh, incarnated as the baby Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, in Mary’s womb.
Luke 1: 39-56
Immediately following Mary’s fiat, she quickly travels a long distance to see her cousin Elizabeth, also with child. The child in Elizabeth’s womb leaps with joy at the sound of Mary’s voice, the child who will become St. John the Baptist. Mother and child are filled with the Spirit. Elizabeth utters the words that Catholics pray in the Hail Mary, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Mary also responds joyfully -- with the Magnificat, proclaiming the greatness of the Lord, his mercy and his justice.
The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth witnesses to her love, her friendship, her desire to serve her cousin Elizabeth. With a heart filled with the mystery of the love of Jesus, Mary shares with Elizabeth what she has received from God who is love. When Elizabeth experiences the friendship and love of Mary, Elizabeth is filled with joy and gratitude.
From this loving encounter, Mary voices the beautiful hymn of praise: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
The stained glass will symbolize the loving, dynamic, human encounter of Mary and Elizabeth. In the context of the love they share with each other, the response of both Elizabeth and Mary is one of faith-filled joy and happiness.
Matthew 1: 18-24
While Mary and Joseph are legally betrothed but not yet living together, Mary conceives through the holy Spirit. Joseph, a good Jewish man of faith, plans to do the righteous thing and divorce her quietly. But as he sleeps, and angel of the Lord tells him God has other plans for him: it is the purpose of this Son of David to take Mary into his home and raise the child to be named Jesus as his own.